SF6-来源于:李兴文, 贾申利, 张博雅. (2020)气体开关电弧物性参数计算及特性仿真研究与应用[J]. 高电压技术, 46(3): 757-771.
CO2-来源于:Guo X, Li X, Murphy A B, et al. (2017)Calculation of thermodynamic properties and transport coefficients of CO2–O2–Cu mixtures[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50(34): 345203.
C5F10O-来源于:Li X, Guo X, Murphy A B, et al. (2017)Calculation of thermodynamic properties and transport coefficients of C5F10O-CO2 thermal plasmas[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 122(14).
C4F7N-来源于:Zhang B, Zhou R, Wang K, et al. (2022)Arc interruption performance of C4F7N-CO2 mixture in a 126 kV disconnector[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 38(2): 1197-1207.